Fertility and Reproduction
Fertility refers to your chance of getting pregnant and in females is not a constant state. Reproduction refers to the production of offspring which in humans is the birth of children. Sometimes there can be genetic reasons which affect fertility and/or successful reproduction. Testing can be performed to determine or exclude a genetic cause for issues associated with both fertility and reproduction.
G-banded metaphase analysis (Karyotyping)
In this test we examine each chromosome pair, including the sex chromosomes, to detect numerical and structural rearrangements.
Genome-wide studies for products of conception
This test utilises microarray technology where we perform a genome-wide screen of the products of conception. This means that every chromosome is examined for numerical and structural rearrangements at a resolution far greater than we can by G-banded metaphase analysis. It however CANNOT detect balanced structural rearrangements.
Aneuscreen [X,Y,13,18,21] – FISH
Ploidy status of all / any chromosome/s – FISH POC Ploidy Panel +/- 15,16,22 – FISH SRY – FISH X/Y – FISHCharacterisation of balanced translocations
We perform G-banded metaphase analysis on known translocation carriers. This confirms the breakpoints of these translocations so that appropriate pre-conception testing can be performed.
Carrier screening status - Coming soon
Coming Soon