(To be accompanied by a referral form)
The presence or absence of a specific gene mutation has been identified as a predictor of drug response. Testing for gene mutations prior to treatment ensures that the patient receives a drug that has the potential to work for them.
I understand that laboratory testing on my tissue is part of a clinical workup for my condition and the testing to be undertaken has been explained to me by the requesting clinician. I give permission for my tissue to be used for the following laboratory tests(s):
Samples will not be processed until payment has been confirmed. Prices listed in NZ Dollars.
*This is the current cost of testing for the panels listed above ONLY. Please contact the laboratory for the cost of any “other” tests required.
Internet Banking Details (Please use SURNAME and DOB as reference) Bank: ASB Account: IGENZ Ltd Account details: 12-3109-0145960-00